Automessage 1.0 is a module that allows the user to leave messages that can be seen after login (if so desired). This module allows for multiple messages, so you can have little conversations going, that are easily accessable, three lines long, and only have the name of the person sending it (gee- just like Vurtual BBS).
Using Automessage is simple!
just follow these step by step instructions:
•Put Automsg.text in the same folder as your MUBBS application.
•Using ResEdit, put the MOD1 resource "Automsg" into the Automsg document into the "modules" resource that came with the BBS.
•Put the word "Automsg" somewhere in you document (this will make Automessage happen on login).
•Put a menu option in your Menu1 documents so that the user can access automessage from there too- the module is Automsg (DUH)
•Enjoy! (If you don't like the module, you probably arn't following this instruction)
Unfortunately, this module dosen't eliminate old autoposts, so you'll have to do it yourself with a text editor periodically. I recommend only having about five autopost messages at a time. In version 1.5 (forthcomming) it will probably do that for you.
If you have any questions, comments, or would like to see the source code you can reach me on: